The South African Journal of Education is the official journal of the Education Association of South Africa.
SAJE is a dissemination platform for research in the field of education, focusing on yet not limited to education in emerging economy societies that share characteristics with South Africa as a Global South nation in transformation. Besides a focus on empirical inquiry into education in contexts of high inequality, resource constraints, socio-economic need and multiple diversities, SAJE also strives to include knowledge on social and other innovations indicative of adaptation that can leverage diversity in mediating the effect of chronic and cumulative adversity. In this regard, school-based initiatives in support of health and well-being, healthy functioning and optimal performance stand central. SAJE is listed on both ISS and IBSS and has seen growth in its impact factor since initial listing.
Prof Ronél Ferreira
Executive Editor: SAJEDepartment of Educational Psychology
Faculty of Education
University of Pretoria
Phone: (+27)(12)(420-5504)
Fax: (+27)(12)(420-5511)